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India, Third World Spreader Spam

India is mentioned will be the superpower in the field of software in 2020. But besides that, India is also the third country in the world where full of  hackers and other computer attacks originated.

Internet and computer security firm Symantec said, India ranks third in the world, after the U.S. and Brazil in 2009, as countries 'attackers' computers. This is very significant since, in the previous year India ranked only number 13.

India is also known as the third biggest spammers in the world, with a contribution of approximately four percent of the overall volume of spam in circulation globally.

Meanwhile, for the Asia Pacific and Japan, India became the first in the spread of spam and contributions amounting to 21 percent of total spam in circulation in the region.

Not only that, a country famous for the Taj Mahal was also ranked first who spread viruses and worms in Asia Pacific and Japan. Thus the information quoted from the Times of India, Monday (04/26/2010).

Every day, onIndia  average there are 788 boots during 2009. Bot is a virus that transforms the computer into a zombie. Among the cities in India with a number of computers infected with the most high boots, Mumbai became the first with a percentage of 50 percent, followed next by Delhi at 13 per cent and seven per cent of Hyderabad, thats the reason India, Third World Spreader Spam.

According to Symantec, India most virus code is executed is distributed via file and divided. File transfer and Internet file system in general, as the second most vulnerable to attack. Other means of attachment on an email, and instant messenger.